With each passing year I notice my mentality regarding new year's resolutions is continually changing, and I think it's for the better. Every year I feel like I become a little more relaxed which is good considering the fact that unfortunately I am 100% type A personality and I hate it. I think one of the many things I love about matt is that he is is relaxed; very "come what may", and I like to think a little bit of that is rubbing off on me. So this year I just want to be happy. Not that I'm miserable but, truly happy as in appreciating and noticing all of the blessings in my life and beauty around me. You know those 5 days out of the year when you walk outside and the sunshine, strangers' smiles, and your favorite song popping up on your ipod just perks you right up? I want more days like that. Cheesey I know, but seriously, I've been so stressed out with school for the longest time that I haven't had the attention span to really give myself those happy moments, and I truly believe that a person creates those moments for themselves. I'm also hoping that physically writing/typing this out and doing a 6 month update will help me stick to at least one goal this year. Given that long introduction here are my 2011 resoultions:
1. Read more: This includes scriptures every night, but also fun reading! I Maybe got through 10 books last year sad I know, but with all of my text books and classes it makes sense. So far I'm doing okay with this goal. I really need to pick it up with my scripture reading but I'm on my third "fun" book, which is pretty good considering my 10-13 hour days at the hospital.
2. Take days to just relax: This one is really hard for me. Hanging out all day vegging is NOT me. Just last Friday I was complaining to matt that I felt so unproductive, to which he responded that you need unproductive days...REALLY? Don't tell him I said this but he's right. The next day I felt rested and ready to go for the busy weekend ahead. I don't necessarily want to lay around all day but I can take a day and get things done around the house at a slower pace, and just relax.
3. Work on my talents: This is not me saying I'm talented. at all. But there are things that I am passionate about/have fun doing that I want to spend more time on. Music-For as long as I can remember I have been OBSESSED with music. I have this connection with music that I have NEVER had with anything else have encountered in this life. Actually that's not true, I would actually say that my love for music is just as strong for my love of the gospel, either way I crave it. I want to make more time for singing, making music, discovering new music and maybe performing again??? I'm singing at my sisters wedding in August, but I've been contemplating auditioning for a choir and maybe even some shows again. Crafting- This I'm REALLY not that good at, but I love doing it. So my goal for this one is to make things for family for b-days. This will be challenging because matt's side of the family is HUGE and my side of the family is pretty big too, but I'm doing pretty good so far. Plus it will be nice to let people know I'm remembering them on their special day...I'm usually REALLY bad at this. So here's an apology in advance if you get a not so good gift from me this year, just know it was made with good intention and LOVE lol!
4.Time for my husband: Now that school will be done, matt and I will finally have a somewhat similar schedule for the first time in almost four years. So my goal is to not stress so much about school/work and remember to spend time with my BFF.
5. Spiritual growth: Continue to increase it. I've got A LOT of growing to do...pretty self explanatory.
6: Love/Forgive: Not cheesey. We need a whole lot more of this in the world, it's scary. I want to love and be accepting of everyone around me. Biggest goal with this, is despite how people treat me I'm going to try to love them, because I would hope that someone would do the same for me, cause, yeah I'm a jerk sometimes too.
*****Let's hope that at least one of these stick!******
Now for the FUN stuff!
We will be boarding a flight on wednesday the 16th to see the following love birds getting married in Alabama....

I'm also excited to see family that we haven't seen in FOREVER!! Including:

He'd kill me if he saw this pic lol, but my little brother got accepted to Weber State. I'm so proud of my little wildcat! Congrats Eldy!!!