Love, love, love....Valentines was a wonderful day filled with homemade gifts (due to our current lack of... well let's face it EVERYTHING) , lounging and family:) Matt and I went out for a special Valentine's day lunch and planned on going snowboarding but, it was snowing so bad we didn't think we'd make it up the canyon in the malbu:( So we rented some movies and had the PERFECT valentine's dinner...Heart shaped Pizza! I totally give credit to matt seeing as it was his idea and he made a much better heart out of the dough than I did...

I know this is really "cat lady" of me, but I HAVE to say that even my kitty's were feeling the LOVE...

Now for the weather! I have to say that although I'm sad to see the snow melting it's been nice to be able to walk outside without a jacket, gloves and a beanie! Matt and I have been talking all winter about buying a baseball and some gloves for when it starts getting nicer and we FINALLY got to do that last week! We've had tons of fun and even had a photo shoot! (I've gotta show some love for my snow so I've included some pics. of one of our many sledding adventures at sugarhouse park...)

Other than this INCREDIBLY interesting topic on the weather Matt's work and school are going well. He got 100% on his last two tests!:) I'm so proud of him! He has school SUPER early everyday and then he comes home for a couple of hours and then heads to work and doesn't get home until like 1 am! he is such a trooper. He sacrifices so much so that he and we as a family can get ahead in life:) I'm so grateful for such an amazing husband! Spence is back at UPS with matt hooray! and going to Institute at the U. And for those of you who don't know Paul moved to Alabama in December but he's back now:) He's back at West Jordan High and luckily was able to get his job back! As for me, I just had an AMAZING time being off track from school for 3 weeks! this was my first week back and it was really hard earlier this week but I'm really glad to be back in the swing of things. I also am waiting to hear back from the U for Graduate school so please cross your fingers for me:) Other than that Life is great! we've been working hard and loving one another's company. Hope you're all doing well and Keep up with the blogging guys, I love to hear updates! Oh and Matt got a hair cut.... Thanks Joe and natalie<3
Here's the Before...
