So it's 3:30 in the a.m.! Matt's schedule has been changing quite a bit the past few months and now he works mon-thursday 6pm-2am and Saturday 3am-9am. Today was his first 3-9 shift and now I can't go back to sleep. I should be looking up research studies for two research papers I have due in the next couple weeks.....but blogging just seems to hold priority to graduate school at the moment haha:)
Can you believe October is over!?!? crazy I know. We had a fabulous Halloween. We dressed up in our "Where's Waldo?" attire and took lilly and my nephews to do some trick-or-treating. They were so cute! I'll post pictures soon(matt used my camera and now i can't find it...)Afterwards we watched scary movies and went to a midinght performance of "Frankenstein" at the Provo Stage Theatre. I had already seen it before with some co-wokers because one of the teachers I work with was a cast member and after all of the praises I had sung Matt had to see it. He loved it. It was SO GOOD. The acting was AMAZING. The music was perfect. Over all the show was "deliciously scary"(as my good friend anne of green gables would say:) ) There were murders, gun shots and ear piercing screams(way to go Nancy) it was fabulous and the perfect way to top off our Halloween night.
As far as school is concerned things are great. I've gotten 3 of my 4 tests back and am begining to feel more confident in myself. I did great on two tests and not so hot on the other. In my program you have to get an 80% on an exam or you have to remediate it. And even if you retake the test you keep the grade from the first test. terrible tight? AND THEN if you get below a B, you have to retake the class or drop from the program. Do you see the kind of stress I'm dealing with here?! So you can see how I was freaking out when two questions kept me away from passing with the required percent on one of my tests. So I had to retake it to prove to my professor that I'm REALLY not
that incompetent lol. I took the test on thursday and I feel really good about it. there's no way I'm getting below a 95%-90% on that sucker(even though it won't change my grade)! Now I'm just waiting to get my Articulation and Phonolgy test back on tuesday:)
Clinic is AMAZING. I have a fun client and a fabulous mentoring clinician. I don't know what I would do if I wasn't working with such a great 2nd year student! Even though I've been working with kids for two years now it's still seems so new to me. It's just such a different experience working in a clinic and a little scary to be doing therapy in a room knowing that your supervisor and the parentals are listening and watching throught the 2-way mirror, but I really love it, it is a wonderful experience. I just can't believe that I've survived this long. Everytime I walk out of a clinic session or finish taking a test I think. I did it? I really did it! And I feel so blessed because I know that my success is not due to just me. I have such a great support system in my husband, family and even in other students that help me a great deal. AND I am so grateful for an eternal perspective to keep me sane and focused on those things which are truly important.
Okay this has turned into a REALLY long post and there were so many other things I wanted to document: Lilly/ER, pics, regina, snow, gutiars for sell etc ....I'll save them for next time!