This last week was the first week of the semester. Along with the some of the really cool classes we get to take it was the first week of being in clinic as the actual clinicians, needless to say everyone;including myself, was a nervous wreck! I lucked out a little bit because I only had to see one of my three clients due to cancellations, but I'm sure I'm in for a big surprise this week. I was absolutely exhausted last week with all of my classes and only seeing one client two days, but this week I'm going to start seeing all three clients twice a week, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to be passing out from exhaustion earlier than usual. Luckily Matt has been awesome and extremely supportive, and lucky for me we were able to have a three day weekend together! We had our usual saturday night date and just stayed in the other days and vegged out with our seinfeld pals:) what a life huh? I'm so happy! I feel like although grad school is ridiculously difficult and stressful I'm thoroughly enjoying the experience. By that I mean that when I'm in clinic or at work I LOVE what I'm doing and am so grateful that I picked this career. I can't wait to be done with school I know it will go by so much faster than I'm expecting it to. Other than that nothing else is really going on, Matt and I have been working at my dad's business whenever we get a chance so it's been nice getting involved and watching my dad do what he loves! By the way for those of you who don't know my dad owns his own cabinet shop in Draper so if anyone is interested in any type of cabinets or wood work let me know! Sorry I had to add a little shamless plug there:) I feel like every day is just so jam packed with things to do (and if you don't believe me take a look at my planner lol!), but I really like it...weird. Well i'm off to cross more things off my to do list, wish me luck for the crazy week ahead chao!