Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Southern Comfort....

So, spring break came and went and I'm pretty sure it is one of the best spring breaks I have ever experienced! Alabama was absolutely beautiful, the people were so nice and it was really great to spend time with my in-laws. My mother-in-law comes out to Utah every once in while, but I had never met matt's step dad Billy. I was extremely nervous to meet him, but he is honestly one of the sweetest, kindest, and funniest people I've ever met! We had such a good time. It was amazing to not have to think about clinic, school or work for a whole week! It was soooooo relaxing and all I can constantly think of is how absolutely beautiful it was. In no particular order here are a FEW pics. of our trip:

Beach+M+C= Bliss

Delicious sausages being cooked at the
**Elberta Sausage Festival**

Band and Oldies at the Sausage fest.

One of the many tiny for sale signs on huge pieces of property.
For some reason I found this funny. Well at least Matt laughed
with me:)

These people live DEEP in the woods.
I wish I lived here:(

They've got these and we've got....snow. in march.

Sweet houses right by the water. *note: said water is right
down the "street"(dirt road) from matthew's house.

The following are of some people's back yards.

.Another cool home.

Momma and Billy's. One of the cutest and most
charming places I have ever visited.


I like to call this one "humidity blows".

Alice in wonderland in 3D

Southern gentleman

One of the 20 Jellyfish we saw washed up on the beach.
I couldn't stop touching them...

Boys night out

Cool little wind chime spinner thing we got for
momma at an arts festival in Lillian

Pretty flowers in momma's front yard

Momma and Billy<3

In a VERY small nutshell, there is Alabama. If I had more time/patience/motivation I would post all of our pictures, but let's face it...it's going to be a long time before I regain any of those things. I will say the ONE and only thing that was not my most favorite thing about AL would have to be....FRIED FOOD. I'm pretty sure that after day three my body was rejecting the stuff. Oh Alabama, I hope we meet again...soon.

1 comment:

Leah Smith said...

K, I freaking LOVED your pictures. You made everything seem so pretty and endearing. I miss my home sometimes....it's beautiful. I'm so glad you guys had such a wonderful time. I'm like 70% happy and 30% jealous...lol! Also just a quick note to say I really think you are one of the prettiest people ever. You're so photogenic! Anyway, love you guys!

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