...to see this brilliant man perform live

Warren Haynes (of the Allman Brothers) came to The Depot in SLC; which is now officially my favorite venue in Salt Lake. It has a very intimate atmosphere and the sound/acoustics are amazing because you're not in a gigantic arena. We showed up a couple of hours early because the tickets were general admission, but it was WELL WORTH IT, to end up smack dab at Warren's feet. The concert was delayed about an hour and half because the band's flight was delayed, but Warren came out before his band got there to play some solo acoustic stuff for the crowd. He is such an intense and sincere performer that he puts on a great show even without a band. Overall the show was beyond amazing.
During the show Warren would throw a pick out into the crowd after he had played with it and I got one of them, and Matt was given Warren Haynes' set list during the intermission. After the concert we were like giddy school girls walking out of the venue with our memorabilia, when all of the sudden we spot Warren with a small group of people around him! We went straight up to him got an autograph, exchanged a few words and shook his hand. I couldn't believe that after a long night of performing he STILL came out to sign autographs. He was a very humble and gracious southern man. Matt and I were pretty smitten lol.

In other news my little (sister) Lilly turned 6! Holy cow that went by fast. I still remember getting a call from my mom while I was away at Utah State, telling me that she was going into labor and for me to come home as soon as I possibly could after my finals. Lilly and I have such a special little bond and I am so grateful for that. She's my little buddy:)

We celebrated her birthday with my family on the actual day and then had a little sleepover the following weekend with Laurel and Addie:)

Posin' with the cake:) Lilly wanted a Barbie cake and Laurel and Addie were GREAT helpers with decorating the cake and picking out the Barbie. Don't you love the proportions of Godzilla Barbie to the little ocean lol???

The girls HAD to have a picture in front of the tree...

Happy Girls:)
Happy Birthday Lilly bug!
*Christmas related post to come soon:)