Let's back up. It all started the week before Christmas when Matt and I officially decided that we would have our first "real" Christmas this year. Meaning not hauling all of our gifts to my parents, spending the night, and opening our gifts at their house Christmas morning. We did that for 4 years, and were feeling done. I absolutely LOVE my family, but Matt and I have been wanting a low key Christmas where we do our own Christmas breakfast and gifts in our own home for a LONG time. So Christmas Eve we packed up (just) my family's gifts in the car and drove up to Bountiful to have our first Christmas Eve dinner with the Crows. My SIL Leah hosted and it was wonderful! She made the most delicious ham and lots of yummy sides. We spent a few hours in Bountiful and then rushed to my parents' house in Herriman. We had a lot of fun hanging out with my family and my mom made her amazing (salvadoran stlye) turkey. We exchanged gifts, watched some movies, and headed home to sleep in our own bed:)
Christmas morning was a dream! We watched the Christmas devotional in bed, went to church, and then came home and opened gifts. I made Christmas breakfast including Matt's very favorite sausage and cheese biscuits and we spent a wonderful relaxing morning together. Come 2 O'clock Matt asks me "So what's for Christmas dinner?". The only reply I could give was a blank stare. I'd COMPLETELY forgotten Christmas dinner. The day before Christmas Eve, I did all of my last minute shopping for gifts, food for Christmas breakfast, but no items even coming close to passing as a holiday dinner. Ball officially dropped.
In my defense most traditional Hispanic families(at least mine and most of the families I know) don't make a big deal about Christmas day. It all goes down on Christmas Eve. Not ONCE as a kid did we ever do a big Christmas dinner, and the past 4 years Matt and I have spent the holiday weekend with my family, we haven't done one either...so that only makes sense right?
Well, I still felt absolutely horrible. Here we are so excited that we are going to have our very first official Matt and Carolyn Crow family Christmas and we've got frozen pizzas, egg rolls, and wontons on the menu for our Christmas dinner. ugh. Matt was really sweet and laughed it off but I refused to believe him when he said that all of the grocery stores were closed so I threw on my shoes and proceeded to drive around Salt Lake. He was right, but it wasn't over yet. Although I was bummed about my slip up I refused to let it defeat me! The day AFTER Christmas I made the most delicious home made garlic mashed potatoes, broccoli and cheese casserole, steaks (Matt was ham and turkey'd out)and rolls for dinner. I set up the table with a pretty linen and candles and we sat down for a lovely "Christmas" dinner.
It's too bad that about 5 minutes in I was as SICK AS A DOG. All day I'd been feeling achy and had a sore throat, but my husband was getting a Christmas dinner darn it! By the time we sat down I had a fever, chills, swollen glands and felt sick to my stomach. Turns out I caught a NASTY virus and would later get pink eye on top of it:) I'm so glad 2011 is over.
If you've made it through this post kudos to you! I'm a pretty terrible story teller. Your reward is that you made it to the picture part of the post:)

We decorate new stockings every year. In Matt's defense he was working double shifts for the two weeks before Christmas so he didn't really get a chance to decorate his.

This was mine. The glitter pens don't photograph very well but the finished product was pretty cool looking.

The night before I realized how horrible of a wife I am:)

I caught them sitting together under the tree

The tree

Since we got Mr. Bruce this year we decided to get a puppy for our 2011 ornament

...we got a beagle too so Killer wouldn't be jealous:)

He did start his stocking and then Killer got a hold of it and ate half of Matt's name

Call me lame but I love my dogs! Don't worry their stockings only took me about 10 mins. each and they each only got some raw hide and puppy treats for Christmas, so I'm not that crazy. right?
I'm so jealous of your dogs. We always had Basset Hounds growing up, so I just want to scratch under your puppy's little ears and give him a good belly rub.
I loved your story telling! I think you better make a Christmas tradition out of frozen pizza, egg rolls and wontons -- what a fabulously fun Christmas meal. My family never did anything fancy Christmas day either. Christmas Eve was always more festive. My mom will be thrilled to hear her way is the traditional Hispanic way.
hahaha!!! That's awesome.... seriously! Meh.... Christmas dinner is overrated.... and you definitely made up for it the day after! Love the tradition of making new stockings every year, too... that's a fun idea!
Thanks Liz:)We love our dogs! They're a lot of fun. That's so funny about your mom! I'm glad to hear that someone else knows where I'm coming from, it makes me feel a little less horrible:)I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas!
THANK YOU Nicole! I say it's overrated too:)lol
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