How long have you been together? 3 Years in August. We met on July 24th and seriously like a week later we were inseperable! AND in 1 month and 3 days we will be celebrating our 2 year anniversary:)
How long did you date? LOL like 4 months and then he OFFICIALLY proposed. We were engaged for 7 months.
How old is he? 22
Who eats more? Definitely Matt...BUT if were talking ice cream then I definitely take the title!
Who said "I love you" first? I implied it first but I was most definitley not going to be the first to say it! So technically matt did:)
Who is taller? uh...matt.
Who is smarter? I'm book smart but Matt's got all around smarts:)
Who does the laundry? I do. But if we're drowning in it matt will take initiative.
Who does the dishes? read previous answer
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do because it's furthest away from the door. I'm weird. yes I have planned out strategies, but in an emergency I will survive.
Who pays the bills? Usually matt does.
Who mows the lawn? Matt
Who cooks dinner? Most of the time I do, but Matt is a REALLY good cook so I love to let him do it if he's in the mood:)
Who is more stubborn? I would actually say that we are probably equally stubborn...maybe matt a little more.
Who kissed who first? He kissed me. On our third date:)
Who asked who out? I asked him to HANGOUT and then the "hangout" turned in to him paying for dinner and "hanging" out much later than expected.
Who proposed? Matt did during Thanksgiving break. It was perfect!
Who is more sensitive? Definitely me however matt's sensitivity is one of the things I lvoe most about him.
Who has more siblings? Let's see I have 3 and matt has 9...
What were you doing 10 years ago? At 13. going to Bennion Jr. High and doing lots of musicals and choir. Hanging out with Tracy and Chantyl...
Five things on my to do list: 1. Go to the Temple. 2. Get all of my paper work done. 3. Get all of my activities ready for kids next week. 4. figure out my financila aid for next year...yuck 5. LOVE Matt:)
Things I would do if I was suddenly made a billionaire: 1. Pay off all of our debt and our parents' debt. 2. Pay tithing 3. Divy out some money to our families 4. Put money aside for missions, kids missions and weddings, and retirement. 5. Take our parents' and my grandma on some really cool vacations!
Five places I have lived 1. Taylorsville, UT 2. Herriman, UT 3. Logan, UT 4. Layton, UT 5. Sugarhouse, UT
Five jobs I have had 1.Convergys 2. R.I.S.E 3. J.C. Penney 4. Radiologist Facilitator 5. Speech and language Tech.
Things people don't know about me: I'm half El Salvadoran. I LOVE musicals. I'm super sensitive.
Okay... now if you have read this... I TAG you!!!! Copy, Paste, Complete, Post!!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
back to work...
Okay so I have been a major slacker when it comes to blogging! I have the last couple weeks off from work since I've been off track and I've been super busy which is always fine with me, I hate to get bored! I tended my little sister Lilly a few days over the break and had a "girl's night", it was super cute and she LOVED it, I'll post pictures soon:). My sister-in-law Lucy and her husband Dave had a garage sale to raise funds for the March of Dimes. March of Dimes is a program that does research for babies born prematurely or that are born with birth defects and provides services for families in these situations. Dave and Lucy had a beautiful baby boy Nathan Douglas who past away two years ago and the March of Dimes is a program that they have been heavily involved with. We were able to participate in the March of Dimes walk with Matt's family and it was a REALLy great experience! We're excited for it to become another Crow tradition. Something a little upsetting that happened over the break was that I had to get rid of my kitty's:( We took Jasper to my grandma's and Blizzard is now with Dave and Lucy! I was super sad but at least they're with family and I'll still get to see them:) I know I'm really weird but I have a REALLY bad habit of becoming attached to people and's bad. Let's see....this is probably a really boring post but I really need to update. Other than that matt and I were able to spend A LOT of time together over the break shopping doing LOTS of yard work and just doing a lot of random things around the house that we've been needing to do for a while! I do have to take a second to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to my wonderful hubby for dealing with me over the break becuase I definitley put him to work these past couple weeks! SO that's pretty much all that's going on with us. I only have like 8 or 9 weeks of my job left and then I start preparing for GRAD SCHOOL! Matt is working as hard as ever and traded his old guitar for a really cool one on tuesday, I'll have to post pictures of that too! Well bless your heart if you made it through this blog but I NEED to go to bed because I'm back at work tomorrow morning! :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Happy Earth day!!!

I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority. ~Elwyn Brooks White, Essays of E.B. White, 1977
Just thought we could all use some ideas on how to show our lovely earth some love....
50 Green Tips for Earth Day and Beyond
by Kathleen J. King
(From - It doesn't have to be Earth Day for me to think about how I can make an impact (or less of an impact) on our planet. Here are a few of my favorite tips:
1. Lower your thermostat. Buy a programmable thermostat.
2. Reuse your water bottle. Avoid buying bottled water. In fact, reuse everything at least once, especially plastics.
3. Check out your bathroom. Use low-flow faucets, showerheads, and toilets.
4. Start a compost in your back yard or on your rooftop.
5. Buy foods locally. Check out Eat Local Challenge ( and FoodRoutes ( to get started. Buy locally made products and locally produced services.
6. Buy in season.
7. Buy compact fluorescent light bulbs. You'll find more on energy-efficient products and practices at Energy Star (
8. Turn off lights and electronics when you leave the room. Unplug your cell phone charger from the wall when not using it. Turn off energy strips and surge protectors when not in use (especially overnight).
9. Recycle your newspapers.
10. Car pool. Connect with other commuters at eRideShare (
11. Consider a car sharing service like Zipcar (
12. Ride a bike.
13. Walk, jog, or run.
14. Go to your local library instead of buying new books.
15. At holidays and birthdays, give your family and friends the gift of saving the earth. Donate to their favorite environmental group, foundation, or organization.
16. Get off junk mail lists. GreenDimes ( can get you started. They'll even plant a tree for you!
17. Buy products that use recyclable materials whenever possible.
18. If you use plastic grocery bags, recycle them for doggie poop bags or for small trashcan liners.
19. Bring your own bags to the grocery store. Given a choice between plastic and paper, opt for paper.
20. Buy locally. Find farmers--markets, family farms, and other sources of sustainably grown food near you at Local Harvest (
21. Consider organic cleaning products ( like vinegar, borax, and baking soda.
22. If you have a baby, consider using cloth diapers. To sign up for a diaper service to do the dirty work, check out the National Association of Diaper Services (
23. Consider buying a fuel-efficient car or a hybrid.
24. Landscape with native plants. Check out the article on the EPA website (
25. Opt into a clean energy program. Check out the Green Power Network ( at the US Department of Energy.
26. Go paperless. Consider reading your newspaper and magazine subscriptions online. Switch to electronic banking and credit card payment, too.
27. Teach kids about the environment.
28. Take your batteries to a recycling center. Earth 911 gives you the scoop (
29. Turn your car off if you're going to be idle for more than one minute.
30. Do full loads of laundry and set the rinse cycle to "cold."
31. Recycle. If you're not at home, take the extra steps, (literally), to find that recycling can.
32. Reuse. Plastic food containers make good crayon and marker holders. Use padded envelops more than once. Buy your toddler or preschooler's clothes from a thrift shop and give away those that don't fit to friends. Goodwill ( or the Salvation Army ( can help.
33. Limit the length of your showers. Even better, take a "navy shower," shutting off the water while soaping up and shampooing.
34. Don't run the water when brushing your teeth. Learn about water scarcity (
35. Wash towels after several uses.
36. Purchase one case of water and provide clean water ( to 24 people (for over twenty years).
37. Give away your goods and find new ones at FreeCycle (
38. Recycle your technology. Dell, Hewlett Packard, Apple, and IBM, among others, offer recycling programs.
39. Go zero! Log on to the Conservation Fund's Carbon Zero Calculator ( and in less than five minutes, you can measure and then offset your carbon dioxide emissions by planting trees.
40. Put your money where your mouth is--invest in green investments. Web sites like Co-op America's National Green Pages TM can help.
41. Learn about threats to ocean life and help Greenpeace ( take action.
42. Whenever you can, try using green cleaning products.
43. Find your local watershed and learn how to protect it.
44. Build a greener home.
45. Opt for eco-friendly and holistic health products.
46. Good to the last drop. Switch to fair trade coffee.
47. Go paperless at work. Distribute company information and post company material online.
48. Eliminate junk mail at work. For no fee, the EcoLogical Mail Coalition will eliminate the junk that former employees receive at work.
49. Plant a forest and feed a family while you're at it.
50. Shop smart. Choose eco-smart products
Good luck!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The big 23! ( I realize it's not REALLY that big...)

My birthday was definitely filled with surprises this year! The one thing I LOVE about Matt is that he totally knows how much i love surprises and does a REALLY good job of making me think he has nothing up his sleeve! So all week he was telling me that he couldn't get work off on my B-day so I was pretty bummed. So Friday morning I get up for work and he surprises me with beautiful tulips, some of my fave. treats(for work later) and an iTunes gift card which was awesome(you know how much we love the music!) and then insisted on taking me to work. I thought nothing of it. So I got off work at 4pm and he tells me that were going home to get his stuff for work and that my sister-in-law the lovely Natalie is taking me out for ice cream which sounded like fun so we get home and I walk through the door and my whole family is in the living room! It was such a fun surprise:)He brought out a cake, we sang and I opened presents. So a little preface to the gifts, I have been bugging Matt about a gym membership for FOREVER! So the first gift I open is a dumbell set, so i thought this will be awesome to add to my current workout regiment. Then I got Beatles Monopoly:)

and Spence got me the second Fruits basket Disc(don't ask) and yes I wanted it:).I was as happy as a clam! So after we sing happy birthday Matt asks me to go get his sweater up in our room and as I walk in I see a huge box right in the middle of the floor...folks I am now the proud owner of an eliptical!

woohoo!!! I was so excited because I've REALLY been wanting one for forever but didn't think I was going to get one for a while anyway. We went to The Spaghetti Factory for dinner with my family and then I must have had a little too much fun because As soon as we got home I plopped down on the couch and passed out 15 minutes later! So this morning we woke up fully rested and went snowboarding all day! Overall it was a very fun b-day thanks to my hubby! Love you Sweetie and thanks for another amazing birthday!
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