Sunday, April 5, 2009

The big 23! ( I realize it's not REALLY that big...)

My birthday was definitely filled with surprises this year! The one thing I LOVE about Matt is that he totally knows how much i love surprises and does a REALLY good job of making me think he has nothing up his sleeve! So all week he was telling me that he couldn't get work off on my B-day so I was pretty bummed. So Friday morning I get up for work and he surprises me with beautiful tulips, some of my fave. treats(for work later) and an iTunes gift card which was awesome(you know how much we love the music!) and then insisted on taking me to work. I thought nothing of it. So I got off work at 4pm and he tells me that were going home to get his stuff for work and that my sister-in-law the lovely Natalie is taking me out for ice cream which sounded like fun so we get home and I walk through the door and my whole family is in the living room! It was such a fun surprise:)He brought out a cake, we sang and I opened presents. So a little preface to the gifts, I have been bugging Matt about a gym membership for FOREVER! So the first gift I open is a dumbell set, so i thought this will be awesome to add to my current workout regiment. Then I got Beatles Monopoly:)

and Spence got me the second Fruits basket Disc(don't ask) and yes I wanted it:).I was as happy as a clam! So after we sing happy birthday Matt asks me to go get his sweater up in our room and as I walk in I see a huge box right in the middle of the floor...folks I am now the proud owner of an eliptical!

woohoo!!! I was so excited because I've REALLY been wanting one for forever but didn't think I was going to get one for a while anyway. We went to The Spaghetti Factory for dinner with my family and then I must have had a little too much fun because As soon as we got home I plopped down on the couch and passed out 15 minutes later! So this morning we woke up fully rested and went snowboarding all day! Overall it was a very fun b-day thanks to my hubby! Love you Sweetie and thanks for another amazing birthday!


Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! happy happy birthday!! I love Beatles monopoly! I have it too!

greenbinky said...

I am glad you had a great birthdat and that my little bro is taking care fo you :)

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