Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tag you're it....

How long have you been together? 3 Years in August. We met on July 24th and seriously like a week later we were inseperable! AND in 1 month and 3 days we will be celebrating our 2 year anniversary:)
How long did you date? LOL like 4 months and then he OFFICIALLY proposed. We were engaged for 7 months.
How old is he? 22
Who eats more? Definitely Matt...BUT if were talking ice cream then I definitely take the title!
Who said "I love you" first? I implied it first but I was most definitley not going to be the first to say it! So technically matt did:)
Who is taller? uh...matt.
Who is smarter? I'm book smart but Matt's got all around smarts:)
Who does the laundry? I do. But if we're drowning in it matt will take initiative.
Who does the dishes? read previous answer
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do because it's furthest away from the door. I'm weird. yes I have planned out strategies, but in an emergency I will survive.
Who pays the bills? Usually matt does.
Who mows the lawn? Matt
Who cooks dinner? Most of the time I do, but Matt is a REALLY good cook so I love to let him do it if he's in the mood:)
Who is more stubborn? I would actually say that we are probably equally stubborn...maybe matt a little more.
Who kissed who first? He kissed me. On our third date:)
Who asked who out? I asked him to HANGOUT and then the "hangout" turned in to him paying for dinner and "hanging" out much later than expected.
Who proposed? Matt did during Thanksgiving break. It was perfect!
Who is more sensitive? Definitely me however matt's sensitivity is one of the things I lvoe most about him.
Who has more siblings? Let's see I have 3 and matt has 9...
What were you doing 10 years ago? At 13. going to Bennion Jr. High and doing lots of musicals and choir. Hanging out with Tracy and Chantyl...
Five things on my to do list: 1. Go to the Temple. 2. Get all of my paper work done. 3. Get all of my activities ready for kids next week. 4. figure out my financila aid for next year...yuck 5. LOVE Matt:)
Things I would do if I was suddenly made a billionaire: 1. Pay off all of our debt and our parents' debt. 2. Pay tithing 3. Divy out some money to our families 4. Put money aside for missions, kids missions and weddings, and retirement. 5. Take our parents' and my grandma on some really cool vacations!
Five places I have lived 1. Taylorsville, UT 2. Herriman, UT 3. Logan, UT 4. Layton, UT 5. Sugarhouse, UT
Five jobs I have had 1.Convergys 2. R.I.S.E 3. J.C. Penney 4. Radiologist Facilitator 5. Speech and language Tech.
Things people don't know about me: I'm half El Salvadoran. I LOVE musicals. I'm super sensitive.
Okay... now if you have read this... I TAG you!!!! Copy, Paste, Complete, Post!!!


Nicole said...

Carolyn!! It's so fun to read about you :) it's been a long time! Congrats on a 2-year anniversary coming up! Woo-hoo :)

Anonymous said...

hey I totally do that bed thing too! Wherever we sleep I have to be on the side furthest from the door.. hee hee

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