This is one of two old shelves that my parents were throwing out so I figured I could do something with them...

Here is a closer view of the almost finished product. I promise the brown and green look MUCH better in person! I painted them a really cool green and then antiqued them and used chocolate brown as the contrast color. By the way I hate the hearts but I've got a few ideas on how I'm going to hide them:)
We framed some really cool pics. that Matt took on one of our hikes.

These are pillows that I made. I love the fabrics! They took me forever to make and I still need to start another green one. I don't have a sewing machine so I just did it by hand, I know you can tell. but it was still fun...
We bought a couple of canvases, acrylic and oil paints a couple weeks ago and matt has had a blast. The annoying thing is that he deosn't have to work very long or hard on a projects and it still ends up being pretty cool.

Matt has a drawing pad and some charcoal pencils next to our bed and one night before bed (like when we first got married)he was messing around and drew this in like 20 minutes. He would KILL me if he knew I posted this because he hates this drawing. He's always like "the dimensions are all off, and it's not even done, and I need to fix it" blah, blah, blah. He's never gone ahead and finished it so I framed it just the way it is.
A few more things I'd like to do...

This doodle stitching book I found on amazon looks so cool! I love little woodland animals. I want to make a really cute quilt.

some things My hub would like to do...

Get a new acoustic, this one in particular. Isn't she a beauty.

Other than that, this all we've pretty much been up to the past couple weeks. I'm just waiting for school to be out on July 2nd and hoping to get some new couches in the next few weeks. Matt is anxiously awaiting our vegas trip to see the legendary Eric Clapton and I'm excited to get out of town because this is a much needed vaca!
p.s. Sorry this such a long post!
p.s. Sorry this such a long post!