Tuesday June 2nd was our 2 year anniversary! I can't believe it's been two years already it has gone by ridiculously fast. Tuesday night we went out to dinner to the Olive Garden because that's where we went right after we were sealed in the SLC Temple. I really wanted to go walk around temple squeare but it rained SO bad that day, maybe next year:)

Wednesday night we saw Fleetwood Mac. I honestly can not put into words how amazing this concert was. We were in the 14th row on the floor, awesome seats! Lindsay Buckingham was spectacular! Everytime I listen to "Big Love" I think there is NO way that Lindsay is the only one playing the guitar, because it is so intricate and sounds like there are two separte guitars playing two completely different riffs, but when he played it live it was even better that the recording! He was amazing. I don't even know how he went on to play the rest of the concert because his fingers had to have been in pain! Then the best part is even after playing "big love" he played like an 8 minute mind blowing solo on "Go Insane". Then Stevie. There are no words. Her voice was perfection. Both her pitch and harmonies were amazing and I've always known that Stevie Nicks has great stage presence, but in person it's a completely different experience. I seriously cannot pick my favorite song of the night because they all were incredible performances. I could go on and on. Matt and I haven't stopped talking about every little detail of their voices, guitar solos, song choices I mean it was the greates show I have ever seen. Anyway that was our anniversary and while I'm at it I want to wish a Happy anniversary to Dave & Lucy, Aaron & Christy and Leah and Jason who also will celebrate (or already have) their anniversary's this month! love you guys:)
Here are the pics:

Stevie and Mr. Mcvie
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