This is me now...

yeah. It was one of those weeks. I can't say that I'm not grateful to have the opportunity to be in school and blessed to have a job but my goodness this is difficult. I have worked and gone to school at the same time before, but now we're talking graduate school and my job with the school district in which NEITHER CAN BE TAKEN LIGHTLY. Luckily I have an amazing husband who is the best support any girl could EVER ask for. I don't know what I would do without him. Oh wait I do know, I would cry, crawl into a whole and die. I've worked everyday this week and gone to school everyday except for monday and by next week they are going to throw clinic into my schedule somewhere. I'd like to see how I'm going to pull off this lovely task. eh. it'll have to work. I have to admit though, I am taking some pretty rockin' classes. I'm taking Advanced research design(ok, this one not so rockin'. Who doesn't shudder at the very thought of the word research?), Developmental language delays in infants & adolescence, Articulation & Phonology and Autism Spectrum disorders(the cream of the crop!). So I am pretty psyched about all of the cool stuff I'm going to be learning it's just finding that balance between work and school that's going to be a little interesting.