Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Lots to update about! As you know we got our little pupster killer and he is doing just dandy:) He is such a sweet and gentle little pup however he LOVES to chew things like crazy, mostly my fingers. We've been trying to break this habit but it's been a little hard, if anyone has any ideas let us know:) we've just been telling him NO! everytime he starts to mouth or bite our clothes, hair, fingers etc. and then give him a chew toy and he'll stop, but then he'll do it again later, so we'll see how that goes. Potty training has been fun! not. We thought we were doing good until an incident ocurred a couple nights ago that ended up with my right foot/ankle covered in dog crap. yeah don't ask. So we've decided to start the whole crate training idea. It's been two days and he has been doing awesome! one accident today but that was my fault, I wasn't paying attention like I should have. We also finished moving! We were looking for apartments for a while and were wanting to find something dirt cheap because Matt is going to start working extra hours and I'm going to be going back to school full time for my masters and we really want to save some money. Let's just state the obvious, everything that we were looking for in our "price range" was super ghetto. I'm not saying I want to have kids tomorrow but, if we were to get pregnant I wouldn't feel safe having a baby in the ghetto, especially when my husband works from 6pm-2am! So my parents offered for us to move into their basement. I was hesitant at first but after praying and talking to my parents about it Matt and I feel really good about it. My parents need help with tending my sister and it will be an awesome opportunity for us to save money for a down payment of a house. I juse finsished unpacking and decorating the living room and it is so cute! Much nicer than our old place and no bugs wahoo! My next venture is our bedroom, which I'm obviously putting off, but I suppose I should get to it. Hope everyone is having a great summer and enjoying the last little bit we have before life gets busy again:)

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