Yesterday morning I was so excited. we had a great plan for the day. 1.Go pick up the Cavalier from our old place in sugarhouse. 2. Got to London's Baptism party. 3. Get a haircut. 4. Go on our usual saturday night date(pretty much the ONLY day of the week we get to spend more than three hrs. together). We got up early, went to pick up a tow dolly at u-haul and headed for sugarhouse. Once we get there we have some issues getting the car on the dolly. By the way for those of you who don't know(I didn't) a tow dolly looks like this:

So the long metal thing is where the dolly attacthes to the truck. the silver things are the little ramps for the car to get on to the dolly. and right next to the dolly tires are these like pockets where the front tires of the car you're towing are supposed to go. So we have some issues because right before the part where the front tires of the car are supposed to go there's like a little lip. I'm not sure if you know this, but cars are heavy. and with matt pretty much being the only mucsle behind the car we weren't getting enough speed to get it over the little bump and into the stupid tire hole thing(yes I called it a stupid tire hole thing. I'm car illiterate and a little frustrated at this point.) My brother was in the car just sterring to make sure it was aligned with the ramps of the dolly, matt was pushing and I was between the truck and the dolly directing my brother which way to steer, but everytime same thing, we couldn't get it over the stupid lip! So we keep at this for like 45 minutes trying over and over again, poor matt's exhausted from pushing by himself & bare foot by the way(who wears flip flops to got tow a car? I <3 my honey) so he's like "we need more speed." I get a little worried because I'm paranoid about everything and always think the worst will happen. Well this time I was right. Matt starts pushing and I'm directing my brother and as they're getting closer I'm thinking whoa they're going pretty fast. as they get to the ramp I signal to my brother to hit the brakes, which of course he doesn't do and the car seriously jumps the lip and lands perfectly centered on top of the hitch part where the dolly attacthes to the truck. yeah. This is bad. If you don't realize how bad this is, look at the picture and imageine the back wheels almost in the slots where the FRONT tires are supposed to go and me in the little 3 foot space betweed the car and truck, I stood between the truck and the car(almost crushed by the way), matt behind the car and my brother in the driver's seat with our jaws dropped and stood there in awe and silence for a few moments while we realized the deep crap we were in. Are you freaking kidding me?!?! it was a mess. I won't go throught the whole mess of how we got the stupid car off of the dolly but let's just say we would have never done it without Dave(a neighbor we unfortunately never got the chance to meet while we were actually living in sugarhouse) and his super awesome, powerful jeep and Paul (a mechanic and family friend) and his creativity, smarts and guts. apparently what they ended up doing was really dangerous and risky. it involved two high lift jacks, a rope and lots of muscle. THANK YOU GUYS(and joe for calling paul in the first place)!!!!We finally finshed everything by like 6pm. what a day. I missed my friend's baby's baptism which was sad, but at least I still got a haircut and we had a few hours for a date. man oh man. Well now you know who to come to if you ever have a crazy car issue. I won't be able to technically help but I know who to call to come save you:)