Thursday, May 28, 2009
Isn't it a pity...

Monday, May 25, 2009
Griffith's 1st and Spanks "last"...
This last week was our nephew's birthday! Griffith(or as Matt and I like to call him "grippip")turned 1 on Wednesday and then Joe and Natalie threw a party for him on Saturday afternoon. It was so much fun! They had a great BBQ and we opened presents and had cake. We got Grippip a couple of really cute shirts and this really cute (and educational) book that tells the story, sings songs and names shapes and colors. We love Grippip SO much and can't wait for his next birthday!
Friday night we had a surprise goodbye party for Spence in Layton. We got most of the family there so it was nice because he is going to the army and will be gone for a while. He is leaving to North Carolina on Wednesday to live with his sister Bink until he ships out in September. We are really excited for him and will miss him! Spence We have loved having you here in our home with us and we will never forget all of the fun memories...or all the things you've broken:)lol. These aren't pics from the party but as I've mentioned inprevious posts I can't find my camera charger so here are some old ones I have on the computer! Love you spence and we'll miss you!!! Spank is on the far left
Spencer..., uh throwing a baseball...
I really need to find my camera charger...
Monday, May 18, 2009

I just wanted to take a second to truly express how grateful I am for the Temple. Matt and I were able to go on saturday and unfortunately it's been a few months that WE just haven't made the time to go so it was nice for us to really make an effort to get there this weekend. I am so grateful for the Temple and the comfort it brings me. I don't care whether you're a member or not, It's a beautiful comforting place period. Even before I was an active member of the church I remember going to the Oakland Temple in highschool and having an overwhelming feeling of peace and comfort just seeing the Temple as we drove up to it and even just standing on the outside of it. I love how the Temple reminds me of why I'm really here and what should truly be a priority while I'm on this earth. It's so funny because I am a super type A personality. I'm always worried about work, grad school, stuff that needs to be done at home, friends, family, the list goes on and on. But everytime I'm at the temple I forget everything I'm stressed about. And I absolutely love that feeling! I'm grateful for the opportunity that Matt and I have to be an eternal family if we so CHOOSE for it to be that way. I can't imagine ever being without him and when we do have kids one day I'm sure I'll feel the same way about them. I encourage all of you (member or not) to visit the temple grounds and to take the opportunity to go to a temple open house(you don't have to be a member to go into the temple before it's dedicated. EVERYONE is welcome) not only to learn more about them and their purpose but also to just feel peace, comfort and to take in the beauty of the Temple. Because no matter who you are, what religion you are (or aren't ) you can't deny the importance of experiencing something positive.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Fun with family and friends!
Matt's oldest brother Aaron graduated from the U with a bachelors in nursing:) We are so proud of him! The nice thing is that his Graduation got the whole family together (except for a few of his sisters who live out of state :( ) including Matt's mom who flew in from Alabama. Just as a side note, I think it's so funny when people talk about how they don't get a long with their in-laws because I absolutley love all of Matt's family! Anyway, so we went to his graduation at Kingsbury Hall and then afterwards went to a really yummy Indian restaraunt in bountiful I don't remember the name of it but will most definitely be making another trip there:)

Leah, Matt and I at the graduation
Aaron and his beautiful wife Christy:)

Us at the yummy Indian restaraunt
Christy threw a graduation party for Aaron at Mueller Park in Bountiful. Unfortunately Matt had to work but it was still really fun. We ate some really yummy food and made s'mores! I didn't take any pictures personally of the party but stole this really cute one of two of my favorite girlies from Leah's facebook(actually all of these pictures are stolen...from Leah)!
Addie and Laurel (aka- La La )
We got up SUPER early and went to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer walk in Salt Lake. I've done this walk for the past three years and every year has been a wonderful experience. Matt's mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006. It was very difficult for Matt's family (as it is for every family) to learn this, but has also been something that has brought his family even closer together. My mother-in-law is such a fighter and has been extremely strong throughout this entire experience. I love and admire her so much. The best thing about the walk this year is that my sister-in-law Natalie worked really hard to get EVERYONE in the family to participate in the walk especially since momma happened to be in town for it this year (in the past it's just been all of the sisters-in-law that live in UT). It was a great experience actually having momma and the boys there this year. I hope we can ALL get together and do it again as a family next year. Stefani, Lucy, Natalie, Joe, Leah, Dave, Matt, Me, Momma and Joe and Natalie's Cute little Griffith in the front:)
Matt and I with Momma in all of her Survivor stuff
After the walk I went to a baby shower! It was for my friend Melanee who I've known since Jr. High and was so much fun. She got a TON of stuff and I always love catching up with old friends. Her baby is due in June and it's a boy. She and her husband Leo are so excited and I just know they are going to be amazing parents! I also have to mention that my friend Chattni (who I've also known since Jr. High) was there with her brand new baby boy Lucas! He is SUPER cute and was born in april. So congrats to her on her second baby and her cute little family:) love you guys! If you ever need a babysitter, I got rid of my cats so I don't have any little ones to take care of lol!
Cute Mel with a little soccer uniform! Her susband plays soccer so I'm sure he just LOVED that!
After the baby shower(yeah.. it was one of those crazy Saturdays...)we booked it up to Bountiful for a spaghetti dinner put on by our nephew's scout troupe. It was really fun:) There were a TON of people. matt and I were laughing because we both thought it was going to be like three long tables pushed together but when we showed up there were like 30 tables in this huge Gym with a live band! When we got there the line to get in was trailing out the door it was insane! They had the scouts serving the tables and it was so cute. Unfortunately we didn't get to sit at one of Jordan's tables but one little guy that was serving us was so serious about what he was doing it was so cute! We had a ton of fun and were glad that we could go and show jordan some support:) we love him! Jordan is our little guy on the right:)
We had a Mother's day breakfeast at my mom's and then all the girls on Matt's side of the family got together for a Mother's day dinner and movie with momma! It was such a fun day:) I love my mom and momma and I'm so lucky to have them both!
So that was my weekend. I had a blast but I am definitely ready to do some realxing for the next little while...
Friday, May 8, 2009
We're Expecting...!

Fleetwood Mac tickets anyday now! We have floor seats to the concert on June 3rd and I'm just DYING to see/hear/experience Stevie Nicks LIVE! ahhh! Matt is super excited for Lindsay Buckingham(as am I) and his AMAZING guitar skills:) although I'm super bummed that Christine Mcvie won't be there so I'm almost positive they won't do "Songbird":( however I'm still super psyched! Matt and I have been wanting to go to some really awesome concerts the last couple of months, B.B. King in april, Lindsay Buckingham was in like february or March but it just wasn't the right time for us to be spending a whole lot of money so we've been pretty bummed. Then we heard that fleetwood Mac was coming so we just took our tax return and jumped on the opportunity. We love Fleetwood Mac:) in fact one of their song reminds me of when Matt and I were first dating so it's kind of fun that this concert falls on the day after our two year anniversary:)