Sunday, May 17, 2009

Fun with family and friends!

So this past week was so crazy at work! I had a million parent mettings and some I had to do ALL by myself (which never happens) which was a little scary but somehow I survived! Anyway I have been wanting to post about all the fun we had last weekend but haven't been able to find the time, so here we go...

Matt's oldest brother Aaron graduated from the U with a bachelors in nursing:) We are so proud of him! The nice thing is that his Graduation got the whole family together (except for a few of his sisters who live out of state :( ) including Matt's mom who flew in from Alabama. Just as a side note, I think it's so funny when people talk about how they don't get a long with their in-laws because I absolutley love all of Matt's family! Anyway, so we went to his graduation at Kingsbury Hall and then afterwards went to a really yummy Indian restaraunt in bountiful I don't remember the name of it but will most definitely be making another trip there:)

Leah, Matt and I at the graduation

Matt's brother Aaron

Aaron and his beautiful wife Christy:)

Us at the yummy Indian restaraunt

Christy threw a graduation party for Aaron at Mueller Park in Bountiful. Unfortunately Matt had to work but it was still really fun. We ate some really yummy food and made s'mores! I didn't take any pictures personally of the party but stole this really cute one of two of my favorite girlies from Leah's facebook(actually all of these pictures are stolen...from Leah)!

Addie and Laurel (aka- La La )

We got up SUPER early and went to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer walk in Salt Lake. I've done this walk for the past three years and every year has been a wonderful experience. Matt's mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006. It was very difficult for Matt's family (as it is for every family) to learn this, but has also been something that has brought his family even closer together. My mother-in-law is such a fighter and has been extremely strong throughout this entire experience. I love and admire her so much. The best thing about the walk this year is that my sister-in-law Natalie worked really hard to get EVERYONE in the family to participate in the walk especially since momma happened to be in town for it this year (in the past it's just been all of the sisters-in-law that live in UT). It was a great experience actually having momma and the boys there this year. I hope we can ALL get together and do it again as a family next year.

Stefani, Lucy, Natalie, Joe, Leah, Dave, Matt, Me, Momma and Joe and Natalie's Cute little Griffith in the front:)

Matt and I with Momma in all of her Survivor stuff

After the walk I went to a baby shower! It was for my friend Melanee who I've known since Jr. High and was so much fun. She got a TON of stuff and I always love catching up with old friends. Her baby is due in June and it's a boy. She and her husband Leo are so excited and I just know they are going to be amazing parents! I also have to mention that my friend Chattni (who I've also known since Jr. High) was there with her brand new baby boy Lucas! He is SUPER cute and was born in april. So congrats to her on her second baby and her cute little family:) love you guys! If you ever need a babysitter, I got rid of my cats so I don't have any little ones to take care of lol!

Cute Mel with a little soccer uniform! Her susband plays soccer so I'm sure he just LOVED that!

After the baby shower(yeah.. it was one of those crazy Saturdays...)we booked it up to Bountiful for a spaghetti dinner put on by our nephew's scout troupe. It was really fun:) There were a TON of people. matt and I were laughing because we both thought it was going to be like three long tables pushed together but when we showed up there were like 30 tables in this huge Gym with a live band! When we got there the line to get in was trailing out the door it was insane! They had the scouts serving the tables and it was so cute. Unfortunately we didn't get to sit at one of Jordan's tables but one little guy that was serving us was so serious about what he was doing it was so cute! We had a ton of fun and were glad that we could go and show jordan some support:) we love him!
Jordan is our little guy on the right:)

We had a Mother's day breakfeast at my mom's and then all the girls on Matt's side of the family got together for a Mother's day dinner and movie with momma! It was such a fun day:) I love my mom and momma and I'm so lucky to have them both!

So that was my weekend. I had a blast but I am definitely ready to do some realxing for the next little while...


Anonymous said...

aaah! thanks! I love you too!!! thank you so much for coming! I might have to take you up on the babysitting because you would be fabulous!

Chatt and family said...

Carolyn, you are the cutest! I love you!

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