Monday, May 18, 2009


I just wanted to take a second to truly express how grateful I am for the Temple. Matt and I were able to go on saturday and unfortunately it's been a few months that WE just haven't made the time to go so it was nice for us to really make an effort to get there this weekend. I am so grateful for the Temple and the comfort it brings me. I don't care whether you're a member or not, It's a beautiful comforting place period. Even before I was an active member of the church I remember going to the Oakland Temple in highschool and having an overwhelming feeling of peace and comfort just seeing the Temple as we drove up to it and even just standing on the outside of it. I love how the Temple reminds me of why I'm really here and what should truly be a priority while I'm on this earth. It's so funny because I am a super type A personality. I'm always worried about work, grad school, stuff that needs to be done at home, friends, family, the list goes on and on. But everytime I'm at the temple I forget everything I'm stressed about. And I absolutely love that feeling! I'm grateful for the opportunity that Matt and I have to be an eternal family if we so CHOOSE for it to be that way. I can't imagine ever being without him and when we do have kids one day I'm sure I'll feel the same way about them. I encourage all of you (member or not) to visit the temple grounds and to take the opportunity to go to a temple open house(you don't have to be a member to go into the temple before it's dedicated. EVERYONE is welcome) not only to learn more about them and their purpose but also to just feel peace, comfort and to take in the beauty of the Temple. Because no matter who you are, what religion you are (or aren't ) you can't deny the importance of experiencing something positive.

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