Friday, July 31, 2009
I just have to take a second to say how grateful I am for the people around me. I'm grateful for the people who are kind, generous, optimistic and an overall a good example in their everyday lives. We never know when someone might be watching, listening & waiting for words or actions that they need to see or hear. I know I was one of those people today.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
is it only wednesday?....
well this week has been good and then it's also been kind of blah. Monday was a really good day, we decided for FHE to have kind of a "Super Monday"! so we went miniature golfing(which i'm terrible at in case you were wondering), went to lunch and then we tried to go to zanzibar, it's a club that has live blues but they were closed(hopefully not for good, we love that place!). so we rented some movies instead. I feel like this week is going by so slow! I think it's just because I really have to find things to keep me busy. I dread when matt leaves for work because I get so bored:( yesterday and today have been kind of blah days. I've been a little moody but thankfully matt is so understanding and always tries to make me feel better. He does whatever he can to make me laugh. I love him and am so blessed to have him in my life. so we're thinking about moving. yeah, not too excited about it but were looking around at some apartments and condos. We love the space in the place we're in now but since it's an older house there is always something wrong that we have to worry about and I'm sick of it. Matt's so funny cause he's the one trying to persuade me to move because I keep saying but we have sooo much space for so cheap and his response today was "Carolyn, would you rather live in a nice little box or a big pile of crap?" lol. I guess he's right. I just so badly want to get into a house but with me going back to school full time and matt pretty much being the only one working we can't afford it right now money would be really tight and I don't think I can handle the stress of that. I just have to keep reminding myself just another year and a half and we'll get into a just seems so far away. we're going to look at some places tomorrow and friday but if anyone knows of any good places in salt lake or the surrounding area let us know. Hope everyone else is having a good week:)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Saturday night's alright...

Friday night my little brothers spent the night at my place after all of the 24th festivities and Saturday we spent the day just having fun and making music! We went to the Oquirrh park rec. center and swam in the outdoor pools, when down the huge slide in the indoor part like a million times:) and jumped off the platforms outside! I have to just say that I didn't jump off the 32 ft. platform but I did jump off the 16 and the 24 ft it was scary but after seeing all these little 10 year olds jump off I wasn't going to let them show me up:) maybe one day I will work up the courage to jump off the 32 footer, but it would probably just be easier if matt knocked me over the head and rolled me off the edge. After swimming we came home and recorded on a new little program that matt and I recently purchased. we hope to one day have a recording studio in our home but until then this will have to do. It's actually a really cool program and matt's been able to figure out a bunch of really awesome things it can do. So it was Eldy on drums, matt on guitar and me on vocals/piano. we did a little cover of "A day in the life" and it sounds pretty dang good. we were all really surprised with ourselves lol. Here's to more music making in the future cheers:)!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
4th of July and Pioneer Day
Pics from the 4th and 24th of this month! fun parties and lots of swimming:) we went to two really fun BBQs both days and on the 24th we got to take our nieces and nephew Addie, Laurel and Charlie along with us. The kids had a great time and Lilly was super excited to have some friends to play with, she and Laurel were two quirky little peas in a pod! Lala kept saying maybe one day mil mil(our other niece Camilla) can come play so by the end of the night Lilly kept asking if mil mil could come play even though she's never even met her before lol.

Lilly being silly

Matt trying to look tough and me with no makeup....not so good of a look for us LOL!
Lala and Lilly jumping on the tramp

The girls "excercising" at my parents lol:)
Lala and Lilly

Lala looking surprised lol!
after the kids did sparklers and poppers there was a firework show! But for some reason it couldn't keep Lilly and Lala's attention. This is what they did the whole time....

Lilly being silly

Matt trying to look tough and me with no makeup....not so good of a look for us LOL!

The girls "excercising" at my parents lol:)

ignore how not cute I look in this pic. it was really hot and I'd been running around ALL day.

after the kids did sparklers and poppers there was a firework show! But for some reason it couldn't keep Lilly and Lala's attention. This is what they did the whole time....
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Randomness and Trivia!
***If you're here for the Trivia go ahead and skip my unrelated ramblings and go straight to the end of the post!
Is it just me or is anyone else having a hard time believeing that it's already going to be august! Matt and I were talking about how cool it would be to just be in elementary again and have it be summer time when you stay out late playing night games with friends, jumping on the trampoline and let's be honest just being silly dorks(actually we've both got the silly dork part down pretty well) oh the good ol' days. So I've been on break for a good three weeks now and it's been nice to spend so much extra time with matt and to get so much stuff around our place. I guess another reason I'm so aware of how fast the summer is flying by is that I'm nervous to start school again. Don't get me wrong I'm excited, but at the same time I wonder if I'm ready. I guess I'm just really scared. everyone that I talk to that has gone through this specific grad program tells me how difficult and stressful it was and Ireally am the last person on earth they should be supplying this type of info with. But whatever I HAVE to do it so I've got to just buck up and do it. Other than getting ready for school to start we've been spending alot of time with my family which I love. I hardly got to see my family when I was working because I was always so exhausted after working that I just wanted to relax at home so that's been nice. My Best friend elizabeth is getting married October 15th! woohoo:) and she has asked me to be a bridesmaid. I have to admit I had to hide some of my enthusiasm because I am SUPER excited(I just wanted to play it cool lol). We picked out the dresses yesterday and they are so cute. We also helped her pick out her wedding dress and it is absolutely stunning! she is going to look amazing I'm so excited for her:)
***Okay so I wanted to post some pics of t-shirts I love and thought we could make a game out of it:) let's see if you can guess what these shirts are referencing! I think this is a pretty easy one, but none the less good luck and no cheats!

Is it just me or is anyone else having a hard time believeing that it's already going to be august! Matt and I were talking about how cool it would be to just be in elementary again and have it be summer time when you stay out late playing night games with friends, jumping on the trampoline and let's be honest just being silly dorks(actually we've both got the silly dork part down pretty well) oh the good ol' days. So I've been on break for a good three weeks now and it's been nice to spend so much extra time with matt and to get so much stuff around our place. I guess another reason I'm so aware of how fast the summer is flying by is that I'm nervous to start school again. Don't get me wrong I'm excited, but at the same time I wonder if I'm ready. I guess I'm just really scared. everyone that I talk to that has gone through this specific grad program tells me how difficult and stressful it was and Ireally am the last person on earth they should be supplying this type of info with. But whatever I HAVE to do it so I've got to just buck up and do it. Other than getting ready for school to start we've been spending alot of time with my family which I love. I hardly got to see my family when I was working because I was always so exhausted after working that I just wanted to relax at home so that's been nice. My Best friend elizabeth is getting married October 15th! woohoo:) and she has asked me to be a bridesmaid. I have to admit I had to hide some of my enthusiasm because I am SUPER excited(I just wanted to play it cool lol). We picked out the dresses yesterday and they are so cute. We also helped her pick out her wedding dress and it is absolutely stunning! she is going to look amazing I'm so excited for her:)
***Okay so I wanted to post some pics of t-shirts I love and thought we could make a game out of it:) let's see if you can guess what these shirts are referencing! I think this is a pretty easy one, but none the less good luck and no cheats!

Thursday, July 9, 2009
"come and get it..."
your Beatles fix that is:) While Matt and I were in Vegas we decided we needed to spend some quality time in the Beatles' store at the Mirage. It's the Beatles' Love store, unfortunately we didn't get to got to the Cirque de Solei show but we had to go look around at the beatles stuff. We were seriously out of breathe running through the little store saying "hey look at this!", "holy crap look at that!" and "how about we just take the rest of our food money and get one of these really cool rugs!" yeah didn't happen. So we took lots of pictures of all the cool stuff we couldn't afford...

I loved the "REVOLUTION" wall

Paul McCartney Bass

Paul McCartney Bass

*Here are all of the rugs we wanted to get! they were huge and so freaking cool!

Now although we didn't have tons of money to spend on our musical obsession we did not leave the store empty handed. We bought two really cool posters for our music room, some Yellow submarine glasses to add to our collection and a couple sets of magnets we got a Sgt. Peppers set and Revolver set. I am proud to say that everything we purchased was found in the clearance section. yes. the store had a clearance section. I f you ever get a chance to go to the Miarage stop at the Beatles' Love store, I'm guessing it's only there as long as the cirque de solei show is going on.
Monday, July 6, 2009
So it's 1 a.m.(way past my bedtime, my body literally shuts down at 10-11pm) I'm waiting for Mattew to get home from work and I am so happy! Church was great today, I acutally had time to make dinner for matt and I before he went to work tonight(i <3 stir fry, it's so easy!) my little brother paul is spending the night AND I don't have to work tomorrow or any day until august! I'm just so excited to be home with matt during the day we have so much fun together:) And I have a TON of projects to do around our place so I've got my work cut our for me. I guess I'm just excited to not be stressed and to be able to finally have a little me time:)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
We had such a fun trip! We had a little mishap the first day but were able to make it there and still have a good time. So we're driving to vegas and we have have about 1 hr and 1/2 left before we get there and I start thinking "I can't believe we're going to see eric clapton! I wonder how far our seats are from the stage...I should ask matt to pull our tickets out so we can check...crap." at this point I freak out and ask matt if he grabbed the tickets off of the fridge and he replies with wide eyes and busts out in uncontrollable laughter. no he did not. I was so busy packing all of our stuff the night before and getting the house nice and clean for our return that I managed to forget the whole reason we were going to vegas ugh. Well needless to say I was not happy. I turned the car around only 80 miles away from vegas and tried not to run our car off the road the 340 miles back to our house in salt lake. Luckily I have an amazing husband who was able to make light of the whole situation. He finally got me to the point where I was laughing with him about the whole thing, but he DID make a good point, It wouldn't have been a Crow-cation if something crazy did not happen. Something always happens to us on our trips...oh the memories. now that I'm typing this I can't stop laughing about how dorky we are. Anyway we finally made it to vegas at 3:30 am, crashed and enjoyed the next few days.
Our bed at the hotel was HUGE!

Matt and I super tired from driving all day and night...

But still excited for Eric Clapton!

Matt and I trying to look good in 105 degree weather. It was so dang hot!

"Welcome to fabulous Las vegas" sucker
you can see eric a little better in this one, he is right in the middle

The volcano eruption at the Mirage

Matt and I super tired from driving all day and night...

But still excited for Eric Clapton!

Saturday we slept in and then walked along the strip until it was time for the concert! it was AMAZING! I still don't think that it has quite hit me yet that I saw Eric Clapton in the flesh with my own two eyes. His keyboardist was unbelievable, he played the most intricate and intense solos! No words can express Eric Clapton's solos and Steve Winwood's vocals. It was definitely a concert that matt and I will never forget. Sunday we walked along the strip some more, went shopping and had dinner at P.F. Changs yummy! we came home monday morning with no set backs thank goodness!

Matt and I trying to look good in 105 degree weather. It was so dang hot!

"Welcome to fabulous Las vegas" sucker

The volcano eruption at the Mirage
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