Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Randomness and Trivia!

***If you're here for the Trivia go ahead and skip my unrelated ramblings and go straight to the end of the post!

Is it just me or is anyone else having a hard time believeing that it's already going to be august! Matt and I were talking about how cool it would be to just be in elementary again and have it be summer time when you stay out late playing night games with friends, jumping on the trampoline and let's be honest just being silly dorks(actually we've both got the silly dork part down pretty well) oh the good ol' days. So I've been on break for a good three weeks now and it's been nice to spend so much extra time with matt and to get so much stuff around our place. I guess another reason I'm so aware of how fast the summer is flying by is that I'm nervous to start school again. Don't get me wrong I'm excited, but at the same time I wonder if I'm ready. I guess I'm just really scared. everyone that I talk to that has gone through this specific grad program tells me how difficult and stressful it was and Ireally am the last person on earth they should be supplying this type of info with. But whatever I HAVE to do it so I've got to just buck up and do it. Other than getting ready for school to start we've been spending alot of time with my family which I love. I hardly got to see my family when I was working because I was always so exhausted after working that I just wanted to relax at home so that's been nice. My Best friend elizabeth is getting married October 15th! woohoo:) and she has asked me to be a bridesmaid. I have to admit I had to hide some of my enthusiasm because I am SUPER excited(I just wanted to play it cool lol). We picked out the dresses yesterday and they are so cute. We also helped her pick out her wedding dress and it is absolutely stunning! she is going to look amazing I'm so excited for her:)

***Okay so I wanted to post some pics of t-shirts I love and thought we could make a game out of it:) let's see if you can guess what these shirts are referencing! I think this is a pretty easy one, but none the less good luck and no cheats!













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