Thursday, August 25, 2011

high FIVE?...

....yes. I would most definitely say that a high 5 is appropriate for this given occasion! So I'm a little late (as usual), but Matt and I celebrated 5 years since meeting eachother on July 24th! Most of you know the story, we were FORCED to meet by some family members at a 24th of July party back in 2006, and well the rest is history...

The summer we met. I'm pretty sure this is the first picture we ever took together. That necklace was the first gift matt ever gave me. It was a beautiful little onyx heart with silver details on the border. I'm not usually a heart shaped jewelry kind of girl, but this was honestly so pretty, I LOVED it! Unfortunately it got lost in the move the summer I moved back home from Utah State; right before we got married. It still makes me so sad, but at least I have a picture of it...well kind of. In the picture it's actually flipped around so all you see is the back.

Walking out of the Salt Lake Temple about a year later

Us now 5 years later... a little plumper and even happier:)

I'm so grateful to have Matt as my husband and best friend. He. is. my. rock. Obviously life AND marriage itself can be very hard(and those of you who say it's not are lying, or haven't been married long lol) but it's about how you and your partner work together; even when it's REALLY hard for one of you, to get through the rough patches in life. I'm so grateful that Matt is that person for me, and I hope I am (I'm trying to be at least) that person for him. I'm VERY grateful for unconditional love. Neither one of us will ever be PERFECT but we have an unconditional love that allows us to love eachother despite our shortcomings, and pushes us to be better for one another. Okay I'll stop here, you get it, I kind of love this guy...a lot.

Us on the 24th this year. Not the GREATEST picture, he's all fuzzy and I'm makeup-less but remember the "unconditional love" thing? We spent the day swimming, seeing HP7 part 2(his first time, my second), and going out to dinner. Lucky for us since it was the 24th, little did we know that when we asked to sit out on the patio we would be getting a firework show too! It was awesome we ate dinner and watched fireworks going off in Sandy, West Jordan and South Jordan. Again appropriate for our ocassion:)

In other news I can't find my camera with ALL of our Oregon pics!!! Tragic I know:( But it has to be in this dang apartment somewhere! So hence the lack of absolutely breathtaking Oregon photos, so in the meantime I'll post about other happenings in our "oh-so-adventurous-life"...not. We REALLY need to get out and do more. Unfortunately our time has mostly been consumed by hunting for a new place to live. Our lease is up come the end of september so we are having to search pronto! There are a couple houses we really want (renting just one more year. That's the goal!) but we're just crossing our fingers we can get one of them, and if not then the search will continue!!

Anyway hope your all enjoying this lovely utah transition from summer to fall! It's my favorite time of the year!

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